A House United

A sermon preached at Calvary Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, CA January 21, 2024 Introduction to Worship Today we’ll hear a story where Jesus tells a crowd full of divided people that a house divided cannot stand. We are called to be a house united. Not a house uniform, where everyone is the same. A…

One Body, Transformed for the World

A sermon preached at Calvary Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, California. Aug 23, 2020 Matthew 16:13-20 Romans 12:1-8 (worship video below. Service begins after 15 minutes of announcements slides) Since we last saw Jesus and the Disciples, he has healed large crowds of people who flocked to him, desperate for help. He’s had compassion for…

Ninevite Lives Matter

A sermon preached at Southminster Presbyterian Church in Boise, Idaho November 6, 2016 Jonah 1:1-17; 3:1-10; 4:1-11 We humans often have a bad habit of “othering” people. By that, I mean we look at someone’s life that seems very different than our own, and we place them in some category at a remove from our…

One Flock, One Shepherd

A Sermon preached at Boise Presbytery meeting May 14, 2011 John 10:1-19 We are in good company when we disagree over interpretation of Scripture. In our text this morning, we’re told that the community was divided because of Jesus’ words. They weren’t even dealing with issues of translation or cultural context, as we must, when…