What We Know in the Silence

A sermon preached at Calvary Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, California 1 Kings 19:1-18 Nov 7, 2021 Our text this morning picks up after quite an exciting story. Elijah takes on the prophets of Baal and Asherah, all 850 of them, and challenges them to a scene made for reality TV, a prophet-off, if you…

Evening Prayer

Here’s the prayer I offered in our modified, live streamed worship service tonight. (The words are mine. It was inspired from a prayer in the Reform Jewish Prayer book, Mishkan T’filah—A Reform Siddur.) Let us pray: O God, we are in uncertain times. And we are adapting our schedules, our practices, our sports, our meetings,…

Mother’s Day Prayer

God, you are the God of all of the moments of our lives—our celebrations and our mournings. Today we come to you with both. We thank you this day for mothers; for the gift of our lives made possible in the fullness of time through their labor, pain, and joy. For everyone who modeled for…

The Annoying Woman

A sermon preached at Southminster Presbyterian Church in Boise, Idaho on October 20, 2013. Luke 18:1-8 As I’ve mentioned before, I’m notoriously bad at casting myself in the right role in a parable of Jesus’. But this one! This is the role of my lifetime! I am the annoying woman! I mean the persistent widow.…