Resurrection People

An Easter sermon at Calvary Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, California March 31, 2024 Introduction to Worship: Good morning and welcome to worship at Calvary. I don’t know about you, but many of my friends are not religious. Or, I should say, they are formerly religious.  And I’m professionally religious, which leads to interesting conversations.…

The Call of a Man Born Blind

A sermon preached at Calvary Presbyterian Church on Aug 6, 2023 John 9 Introduction to Worship: Good morning.  Today in worship we’ll be exploring the journey of our call. How God has brought us through particular experiences to be where we are today.  And how God is even now, dreaming for us a future that…

The Call of Samuel

A sermon preached at Calvary Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, CA July 2, 2023 Introduction to Worship Good morning. Today we are beginning a sermon series about how God calls us. Often in the church, you might hear your pastors talk about our call stories, and how we ended up becoming ministers, and finding our…


A week ago, the US Supreme Court handed down a tragic and disastrous ruling Dobbs V Jackson that overturns fifty years of precedent about abortion. I knew it was coming. The Republican Party has been very clear about what it was doing as it packed the court. I volunteer my time with Planned Parenthood’s Clergy…

“I’m keeping you.”

If you followed my blog as I found my birth family, you might remember my half sister Carol. My birth mother didn’t want to meet me when I first contacted her, but she did give me the name of my birth father. He had died in 1996, but I tracked down his daughter Carol. I…

In All Things

A sermon preached at Southminster Presbyterian Church June 8, 2019 Romans 8: 14-39 Acts 2: 1-4 Our passage from Romans tonight is one of my favorite passages in scripture, but it’s not what we usually hear on Pentecost. We also heard the more traditional story from Acts 2, where the Holy Spirit came upon people…

Auditioning for Roles

I’ve been thinking about my birth mother lately. Maybe because thinking is all I really can do. She doesn’t want to be in a relationship with me, and even if she did, she’s not in very good health. Maybe I’ve been thinking about her because her 91st birthday is around the corner. My birth mother…