What do we let people see?

A sermon preached at Southminster Presbyterian Church in Boise, Idaho Feb 4, 2018 John 4 Last week, you heard the story of Nicodemus meeting Jesus. While the woman at the well is my favorite story in the bible, I also love the Nicodemus story, and I noticed some contrasts and some similarity between them. Nicodemus…

The Other Woman at the Well

The following is a reflection I shared on the RevGalBlogPal’s BE6 event this past week during closing worship. Based on John 4. I am a woman at the well. Although not, perhaps, the one of whom you are thinking. I can gather my water in the cool of the morning with the other women. I…

Who Do You Say That I Am?

A Sermon preached at Southminster Presbyterian Church November 2, 2008 John 4:4-29, 39-42 I am the woman at the well. To look at my life today, it might not be so easy for you to connect me with her. I have not had five husbands. And I can gather my water in the cool of…