Friday Five–Bible Verse Edition

I haven’t played the Friday Five in a while, but these questions were a good ‘thought exercise’ this morning.
1. What is your favorite Bible verse?

Romans 8:28

“And we know that in all things, God is working for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”

This is the verse that got me through a very difficult year. I was a pregnant kid in college, preparing to place my son for adoption.  I was grateful to have lots of support from friends, family, and my church family. That support allowed my faith to support me through that time. (While that seems obvious, I know many people have experienced shame and rejection from religious communities for the same situation. I’m grateful I was able to rest in this verse when I needed it most).

2. What is your favorite book of the Bible?

Genesis. It’s got it all. The Patriarchs and Patriarchy. Abundance and Scarcity. Hope and Promise. Chaos and Creation. Rainbows and Strong Women.

3. What is your favorite story from the Hebrew Scriptures?

This may not exactly be a “story” but Psalm 139 has always spoken to me. Similar to Romans 8, there is a reminder that while we were being knit together in our mother’s womb, we were being ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ by God. As someone who was born as the result of an unplanned pregnancy, and then placed for adoption, I have always found resonance with the reminder that God was at work in my “planning”, even if my birth parents were unaware of their role in that plan.

4. What is your favorite story from the Christian Scriptures?

John 4. The woman at the well.

I love the idea of Jesus knowing us, and encountering us, just as we are, which frees me to try every day to be more comfortable being myself, just as I am. Without the need to put on the layers of personality and protection.


art by He Qi that hangs in my bedroom


5. What verse do you wish people would quote less often?

1 Timothy 2–I’ve had enough of men telling women to be silent. 

Bonus: What is your favorite obscure fact or verse or story or thing about the Bible?

There’s a tradition that the color red of Rahab’s cord in Joshua 2 is a reason why we have “red light districts”. I don’t know about that. But it does strike me that we have a story about a faithful, strong woman who works to save God’s people, and all people focus on is that she’s a prostitute. The Hebrew isn’t even that clear on that. In any case, watching the misogyny headed Hillary Clinton’s way every damn day has me wishing we could just appreciate and value the gifts of women. Full stop. Without having to call them “crooked Hillary” or “Rahab the Prostitute”. Patriarchy has me feisty these days. Go Rahab and your red cord!

8 thoughts on “Friday Five–Bible Verse Edition

  1. I love reading your sermons & posts Marci. My associate pastor at FPC Monterey recommended you and I am very thankful. I am also adopted and have the blessing of wonderful friendships with my biological parents and their extended families since I was 18. Now well entrenched in my 40’s, I have seen these relationships grow & flourish. I pray that your birth mother will someday be open to this. Thank you again for sharing your life so authentically.

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