Post-Op Hope

Good morning! Thank you to everyone who lifted up prayers and good thoughts for me yesterday during my knee surgery. I could feel your love and am very thankful for it. I will meet with the doctor on Monday and am hoping he will explain this picture that was sent home with me. Is this…


The old adage is to never pray for patience. Believe me, I would never do that. Because I hate waiting. When I have decided what is next, I am ready for it, NOW. I’m not a fan of delayed gratification. I have no skills in this area. I admit all of this as a confession…

A Year of Practice

I’m getting the sanctuary ready for worship this Sunday, which is Epiphany. Last year, I passed out stars that had words written on them and invited people to use that word in their prayer life in 2012. We’ll be doing it again Sunday (so if you would like a star word but aren’t a Southminster…


This is another one of those posts about running. I end up on the trails with nothing but my own thoughts for company, and this is what happens. The other morning, I realized I am a “far horizon” girl when I run. I like to look at the hills, the vistas, the mountains in the…

Women’s Bodies

Despite the title of this post, I promise it is not entirely political. But I’ve been thinking about my body. Because I’ve been running again, by which I mean I have been very slowly jogging for short bursts before my oxygen runs out and I collapse in a pathetic heap. And I have a love/hate…