Whose Lives Matter?

A sermon preached at Southminster Presbyterian Church in Boise, Idaho June 21, 2020 Gen 21:8-21 We pick up the biblical story today in the middle of the story of Abraham and Sarah. God has promised Abraham that his offspring will be more numerous than the stars in the sky. Many nations will arise from his…

Nevertheless, She Persisted

Much has been made of the official rebuking of Senator Elizabeth Warren on the floor of the Senate this past week for reading a letter Coretta Scott King wrote in 1986 about our new Attorney General Jeff Sessions. There is so much patriarchal bullshit wrapped in this action. A woman was silenced for reading something…

Well Behaved Women

This is a sermon I preached many years ago in chapel at Columbia Theological Seminary, in the days before Marci had a blog.  The story of Ruth is in the Narrative Lectionary this week, and while this is not the sermon I’m preaching Sunday, it still has something to say. Ruth 4:9-10a and 13-17 1st…