A Thrill of Hope

A sermon preached at Calvary Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, CA Dec 17, 2023 Introduction to Worship Good morning and welcome to worship. Today we are marking the fourth Sunday of Advent and we will hear the Song of Zechariah. He was a priest of the line of Abijah, which stemmed back to the time…

The Perspective of Joy

A sermon preached at Calvary Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, California December 13, 2020 Luke 1:26-55 The story of Jesus didn’t begin in the halls of power, or among the rich and famous. This story began when an angel of the Lord went to an unwed teenaged girl in the backwater town of Nazareth and…

Annunciation, the Musical

A sermon preached at Southminster Presbyterian Church in Boise, Idaho. December 15, 2013 Luke 1:39-55 A few weeks ago, NBC aired a ‘recorded live’ presentation of the Sound of Music. And despite what the critics said, I thought it was worth it just to hear Audra MacDonald sing Climb Every Mountain. But when you’re watching…