Even in the Desert

A sermon preached at Calvary Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, CA March 6 2022 Luke 4:1-13  Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Both texts for the first day of Lent are about wandering. Whether it is 40 years, in the case of Israel, or 40 days in the case of Jesus, both of them beg the question—what does wandering…

I AM…..Enough

A sermon preached by Rev. Marci Auld Glass at Calvary Presbyterian Church October 10, 2021 Exodus 16:1-18 The story of the Exodus, from which today’s passage comes, is the story of a group of people who had been forced to leave their homeland because of economic and political reasons. They were a poor minority, refugees…

Bread for our Neighbors

A sermon preached at Calvary Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, CA. July 25, 2021 John 6:1-21 The lectionary jumps around a bit this summer. When last we checked in, we were in Mark’s gospel, skipping over a feeding story. Rather than give us Mark’s account of the miracle, this morning, we have John’s account. This…

Gleaning Grace

A sermon preached at Southminster Presbyterian Church in Boise, Idaho July 29, 2018 Ruth 2 When I have casual interactions with strangers in public places, such as airplanes, coffee shops, or car dealerships, the question I hate the most is “what do you do for a living?” Being a female pastor in Idaho has it’s…