Friday Five: Take Five

Here is the prompt from over at RevGals.

Whoosh! My calendar is packed. And June is almost gone! There’s the old saying, “Bad luck comes in threes” but I’ve decided that “Busy-ness comes in fives!” So this week we’ll take things five-at-a-time. Tell me:

1. Five flowers you’d like in a bouquet or in your garden:



Peace Roses



And if I could only have one flower, it would be daisies. Carried them at my wedding. LOVE daisies.

White Daisy

2. Five books you want to read (or re-read):

Want to read:

Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides

Want to read again:

Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card (before the movie comes out)

The Sense of An Ending by Julian Barnes

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

East of Eden by Steinbeck

3. Five places you want to visit:


Loon Lake!


any warm and sunny beach

The Lake (also known as Loon Lake, north of Spokane, WA–where my family has a cabin)

the Middle East again (although maybe should let things simmer down a bit before I return)


Mt Sinai Sunrise, 2006

and Italy again, preferably with the Meister family

John Meister took this photo in Venice

John Meister took this photo in Venice

4. Five people you’d invite for tea/coffee/beer and pizza:

Neil Patrick Harris

Anne Boleyn

my clergy friends (can they count as one? I have great clergy friends)

Amy Poehler

Tina Fey


5. Five chores or tasks you’d gladly give to someone else:

So many things I’d be willing to give up…..

cleaning bathrooms


salad making

cantaloupe, honeydew, and mango preparer

making my bed

BONUS: A five ingredient recipe! (This is harder than it sounds!)

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

one can garbanzo beans (drained), one clove garlic, big dash of lemon juice, olive oil, 1/3 cup roasted red peppers

combine all ingredients in food processor, adding the olive oil as needed for consistency.

6 thoughts on “Friday Five: Take Five

  1. Second what Purple said! The interchange between Anne B and the others would be memorable, I’m sure.

    Peonies are on my list of things to add to the garden.


  2. Ooohh OOOOHHH Ooohhhh OOOOOHhhh! Pick me! Pick me! to be one of the RevGals at the dinner party. How much fun would that be??? 🙂

    I love daisies but they are pretty much deer food in my neighborhood, and the only place sunny enough doesn’t have a fence around it. So. No daisies. 😦 Loved the book list and yeah, I should read Ender’s Game before the movie…

    Thanks for playing! 🙂


  3. Larkspurs, Day lilies, pansies, marigolds, and giant sunflowers. Books: The Lovely bones, Mom’s Marijuana, Molly Ivins Bushwhacked, My Life, Bill Clinton, James Herriot, The Favorite Stories of One of the Most Beloved Writers of our Time… Visit again England, particularly London, home of the most incredible actors and stage productions, and the friendliest people on the planet. I’d give up cleaning the house, and I’d spend my time with Catherine Zeta Jones, the most beautiful creature I’ve found, Helen Mirrin, wonderful actress, at least two people who are interested in me and not in how my house is decorated, and I’d spend more time with my daughter, because she’s insanely intellectual, and I go straight away to her with every question I’ve got, especially a nasty math one.


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