Beauty in the In Between Time

A sermon preached at Southminster Presbyterian in Boise May 8, 2016 1 Cor 15:1-26, 51-58 As Ruth mentioned last week, the church in Corinth had some struggles. Some different ways of interpreting things that were leading to division. Paul called them to love. Paul reminded them that nothing else mattered if they couldn’t remember to…

Brave New Mother’s Day

I’ve blogged about my conflicted relationship with Mother’s Day before. Each year I implore my clergy colleagues to stop celebrating Mother’s Day in worship. It is a Hallmark holiday, not a liturgical one. And Mother’s Day is a painful day for many people already. Let’s not make it worse. Anyway. I digress. This Mother’s Day,…

Mother’s Day Prayer

God, you are the God of all of the moments of our lives—our celebrations and our mournings. Today we come to you with both. We thank you this day for mothers; for the gift of our lives made possible in the fullness of time through their labor, pain, and joy. For everyone who modeled for…